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The Laurel & Hardy Magazine brings you exclusive articles devoted to the life and careers of Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy and written by the world’s leading experts in their field. Each issue is beautifully designed and packed with fascinating information and many rare stills, celebrating the brilliance of these wonderful comedians and their films.
The Laurel & Hardy Magazine

The new digital Laurel and Hardy magazine is launching soon on Apple and Amazon Kindle platforms. Following the success of the printed version, this digital edition offers in-depth discussions of their films, featuring insights and articles from leading experts and film historians.

Sons of the Desert
The boys sneak away to a convention, but their wives get wise! Our deep-dive of a true classic.

Men O' War
The boys want to impress the girls, but only have fifteen cents for soda! Our focus on this early talkie.

The Music Box
Two men, one piano and an enormous flight of steps. The story behind the Academy Award winning masterpiece.

Their Purple Moment
Two damsels in distress, a night club and two angry wives. Our look at this silent short.

Big Business
Carnage ensues as the boys attempt to sell Christmas Trees. We reveal the history of this unforgettable classic.

Ollie enlists Stan to help clean up after a wild party. We examine this perfect comedy short.

“I spent quality time with your latest issue of Laurel and Hardy Magazine and I must offer congratulations on a splendid job.
Keep up the great work.”
- Leonard Maltin -
American film critic, film historian, and author.

About the authors
The magazine’s editor, Patrick Vasey, creator and host of the highly acclaimed Laurel & Hardy Podcast, has secured the support of some of the world’s top Laurel and Hardy experts, who also feature regularly as his podcast guests. Notable figures such as Richard W. Bann, Randy Skretvedt and Glenn Mitchell, to name but three, are now all on board, writing exclusive articles for us. We will feature all our authors and contributors on a dedicated page in a future website update.

Contact us
Printed back issues are still available. To order, click on button below. PLEASE NOTE, Vol12 No.1 IS SOLD OUT
If you have any questions at all or concerns regarding payment issues, or you would like to suggest an article to appear in a future Magazine, or anything else you would like to discuss - please feel free to drop us a line.